Our Demands
USSW is organizing across the service industry to win our shared demands by putting pressure directly on employers.

I'm building the union and fighting to make things right for myself and other workers. We’re gonna stand together until we get what we ALL deserve.Steffany Blinn, USSW member
We’re organizing to demand equal treatment, health and safety, fair scheduling, fair pay and a seat at the table for all employers across the South.
Here are our demands:
We demand dignity & equal treatment.
- Equal pay regardless of race, gender, age, immigrant status or sexual orientation.
- Protection from sexual harassment, homophobia and racial discrimination.
- Respect from management for all workers.
- End to arbitrary or retaliatory suspensions.
- Fair grievance processes.
We demand health and safety.
- Safe workplaces with adequate protective equipment.
- Real healthcare benefits for workers and our families.
- Paid sick leave.
We demand fair and consistent scheduling.
- Ability to work full time hours.
- Regular weekly schedule with advance notice of schedule changes.
- Safe staffing levels
We demand fair pay we can build lives on.
- Our work is essential. Our wages must reflect it.
- End industry-wide practice of wage theft.
We exercise our right to organize & we demand a seat at the table.
- Decision making power about our working conditions.
- Corporate accountability for treatment of workers and impact on communities.
- No retaliation for union activity.
- Respect our right to organize.